Top 3 Ways to Stay Focused During a Chaotic Day



It can be difficult for anyone to stay focused for extended periods. The ability to focus eludes many even on their best days, but when you throw chaos into the mix you can really run into some problems. Presently, combined with an individual’s own daily problems, COVID also serves as a source of distress. 

The result is a seriously impaired attention span. Though each person has their own ways to improve focus, here are three of the most useful techniques.

Limit Potential Distractions

Your environment plays a huge role in your ability to focus. Distractions are plentiful, so it is beneficial to eradicate as many as possible. These can include both internal and external distractions.


One of the best ways to improve focus is by silencing your phone. Constant notifications can be distracting, and even if you do not physically look at them, there is a portion of your brain that is still preoccupied with the thought of checking. Ideally, leave your phone out of reach.

Having the TV on—especially on a news channel during a pandemic—is another source of distraction. If you know that there is a mountain of dirty dishes you have to deal with, or if you have loud noises in the background, distancing yourself from them can help a lot.


Mental distractions can be just as debilitating as physical ones. During a chaotic day, you likely experience anxiety. This anxiety severely impairs your ability to:

  • Stay focused for extended periods of time

  • Perform complex cognitive tasks

To help rein this anxiety in, you could try purging your thoughts by venting in a journal or to someone you trust.

Give Yourself a Break

Studies show that taking small intermissions while working improves motivation and productivity. During a hectic day you’ll be more distractible than usual, which means these breaks may need to be longer to take effect. 

Some ways you can refresh your brain on days like this include:

  • Take a 7-10 minute nap

    • Drinking coffee pre-nap has shown to have an even better impact

  • Meditate (indoors or outdoors) 

Avoid Multitasking

This is one of the most effective ways to stay focused amidst chaos. Our brains can’t perform more than one task at a time, so trying to surmount multiple things at once is not sustainable. 

Luckily, there are alternative methods to accomplish a list of tasks. Try prioritizing them by:

  • Performing the largest/most important tasks first

  • Considering time constraints

    • Ex. If you have multiple assignments during the week, start with the ones in closest proximity 


Even though we can all fall prey to distractibility, there are methods you can use to maintain optional cognitive activity. Limiting outside distractions, giving yourself down time, and avoiding multitasking are just a few ways to do this, and don’t be afraid to think of your own ways to recharge your brain!


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